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Mathematica Technology Resource Manual to accompany Differential Equations, 2e - ISBN 9780471483861

Mathematica Technology Resource Manual to accompany Differential Equations, 2e

ISBN 9780471483861

Autor: Robert L. Borrelli, Courtney S. Coleman, Jennifer Switkes

Wydawca: Wiley

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 255,15 zł

Przed złożeniem zamówienia prosimy o kontakt mailowy celem potwierdzenia ceny.






Robert L. Borrelli, Courtney S. Coleman, Jennifer Switkes



Rok Wydania:      


Numer Wydania:      

2nd Edition

Ilość stron:      






This effective and practical new edition continues to focus on differential equations as a powerful tool in constructing mathematical models for the physical world. It emphasizes modeling and visualization of solutions throughout. Each chapter introduces a model and then goes on to look at solutions of the differential equations involved using an integrated analytical, numerical, and qualitative approach. The authors present the material in a way that′s clear and understandable to students at all levels. Throughout the text the authors convey their enthusiasm and excitement for the study of ODEs.

Spis treści:
Introduction to the Tutorials.
Graphs of Functions.
1. Plotting a Function.
2. Plotting Several Curves.
3. Piecewise–Defined Functions.
4. Engineering Functions.
First–Order ODEs.
5. Numerical Solutions of ODEs.
6. Slope Fields.
7. Integral Curves.
8. Solution Formulas.
9. Euler′s Method, Heun′s Method, 4th–Order Runge–Kutta.
10. Laplace Transforms: Discontinuous Driving Terms.
Second–Order ODEs.
11. Orbits, Solution Curves, Component Curves.
12. Time–State Curves.
13. Discontinuous Driving Terms.
14. Solution Formulas.
15. Laplace Transforms: Dirac–Delta Driving Terms.
Systems of First–Order ODEs.
16. Orbits and Component Graphs.
17. Time–State Curves.
18. Direction Fields.
19. System of Three or More ODEs.
20. Solution Formulas.
21. Fourth–Order Runge–Kutta.
22. System of ODEs in Polar Form.
Additional Topics.
23. Plotting Partial Sums: Fourier Series.
24. Fourier Coefficients.
25. Recursion Relations: Series Solutions.
Common Functions and Constants in Mathematica.
Index of Mathematica Commands.


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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