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Literatura do programów

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Stress Testing and Risk Integration in Banks: A Statistical Framework and Practical Software Guide (in Matlab and R) - ISBN 9780128035900

Stress Testing and Risk Integration in Banks: A Statistical Framework and Practical Software Guide (in Matlab and R)

ISBN 9780128035900

Autor: Bellini, Tiziano

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 406,35 zł

Przed złożeniem zamówienia prosimy o kontakt mailowy celem potwierdzenia ceny.




Bellini, Tiziano



Rok Wydania:      




Stress Testing and Risk Integration in Banks provides a comprehensive view of the risk management activity by means of the stress testing process. An introduction to multivariate time series modeling paves the way to scenario analysis in order to assess a bank resilience against adverse macroeconomic conditions. Assets and liabilities are jointly studied to highlight the key issues that a risk manager needs to face. A multi-national bank prototype is used all over the book for diving into market, credit, and operational stress testing.

Interest rate, liquidity and other major risks are also studied together with the former to outline how to implement a fully integrated risk management toolkit. Examples, business cases, and exercises worked in Matlab and R facilitate readers to develop their own models and methodologies.

Provides a rigorous statistical framework for modeling stress test in line with U.S. Federal Reserve FRB CCAR (Comprehensive Capital Analysis Review), U.K. PRA (Prudential Regulatory Authority), EBA (European Baning Authorithy) and comply with Basel Accord requirementsFollows an integrated bottom-up approach central in the most advanced risk modelling practiceProvides numerous sample codes in Matlab and R

Chapter 1: Introduction to Stress Testing and Risk Integration

Chapter 2: Macroeconomic Scenario Analysis from a Bank Perspective

Chapter 3: Asset and Liability Management, and Value at Risk

Chapter 4: Portfolio Credit Risk Modeling

Chapter 5: Balance Sheet, and Profit and Loss Stress Testing Projections

Chapter 6: Regulatory Capital, RWA, Leverage, and Liquidity Requirements Under Stress

Chapter 7: Risk Integration

Chapter 8: Reverse Stress Testing


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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