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Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised 2nd Edition - ISBN 9780120887354

Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised 2nd Edition

ISBN 9780120887354

Autor: ONeill, Barrett

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 439,95 zł

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ONeill, Barrett



Rok Wydania:      




Written primarily for students who have completed the standard first courses in calculus and linear algebra, Elementary Differential Geometry, Revised 2nd Edition, provides an introduction to the geometry of curves and surfaces.

The Second Edition maintained the accessibility of the first, while providing an introduction to the use of computers and expanding discussion on certain topics. Further emphasis was placed on topological properties, properties of geodesics, singularities of vector fields, and the theorems of Bonnet and Hadamard.

This revision of the Second Edition provides a thorough update of commands for the symbolic computation programs Mathematica or Maple, as well as additional computer exercises. As with the Second Edition, this material supplements the content but no computer skill is necessary to take full advantage of this comprehensive text.

Over 36,000 copies sold worldwideAccessible, practical yet rigorous approach to a complex topic--also suitable for self-studyExtensive update of appendices on Mathematica and Maple software packagesThorough streamlining of second edition's numbering systemFuller information on solutions to odd-numbered problemsAdditional exercises and hints guide students in using the latest computer modeling tools

Chapter 1: Calculus on Euclidean Space:
Euclidean Space. Tangent Vectors. Directional Derivatives. Curves in R3. 1-forms. Differential Forms. Mappings.

Chapter 2: Frame Fields:
Dot Product. Curves. The Frenet Formulas. ArbitrarySpeed Curves. Covariant Derivatives. Frame Fields. Connection Forms. The Structural Equations.

Chapter 3: Euclidean Geometry:
Isometries of R3. The Tangent Map of an Isometry. Orientation. Euclidean Geometry. Congruence of Curves.

Chapter 4: Calculus on a Surface:
Surfaces in R3. Patch Computations. Differentiable Functions and Tangent Vectors. Differential Forms on a Surface. Mappings of Surfaces. Integration of Forms. Topological Properties. Manifolds.

Chapter 5: Shape Operators:
The Shape Operator of M R3. Normal Curvature. Gaussian Curvature. Computational Techniques. The Implicit Case. Special Curves in a Surface. Surfaces of Revolution.

Chapter 6: Geometry of Surfaces in R3:
The Fundamental Equations. Form Computations. Some Global Theorems. Isometries and Local Isometries. Intrinsic Geometry of Surfaces in R3. Orthogonal Coordinates. Integration and Orientation. Total Curvature. Congruence of Surfaces.

Chapter 7: Riemannian Geometry: Geometric Surfaces. Gaussian Curvature. Covariant Derivative. Geodesics. Clairaut Parametrizations. The Gauss-Bonnet Theorem. Applications of Gauss-Bonnet.

Chapter 8: Global Structures of Surfaces: Length-Minimizing Properties of Geodesics. Complete Surfaces. Curvature and Conjugate Points. Covering Surfaces. Mappings that Preserve Inner Products. Surfaces of Constant Curvature. Theorems of Bonnet and Hadamard.


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Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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