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Making Green Cities - ISBN 9783030377151

Making Green Cities

ISBN 9783030377151

Autor: Jürgen Breuste; Martina Artmann; Cristian Ioja; Salman Qureshi

Wydawca: Springer

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 670,95 zł

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Jürgen Breuste; Martina Artmann; Cristian Ioja; Salman Qureshi



Rok Wydania:      


This book shows what role nature can play in a city and how this can make it a better place for people to live. People, planners, designers and politicians are working towards the development of green cities. Some cities are already promoted as green cities, while others are on their way to become one. But their goals are often unclear and can include different facets. Presenting contributions from world leading researchers in the field of urban ecology, the editors provide an interdisciplinary overview of best practices and challenges in creating green cities. They show examples of how to build up these cities from bits and pieces to districts and urban extensions. Each example concludes with a summary of the collected knowledge, the learning points and how this can be used in other places. The best practices are collected from around the world ? Europe, Australia, America and Asia. The new dynamic urban development of Asia is illustrated by case studies from China and the Indian subcontinent. The reader will learn which role nature can play in green cities and what the basic requirements are in terms of culture, pre-existing nature conditions, existing urban surroundings, history, design and planning.


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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