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The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development - ISBN 9780521560467

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development

ISBN 9780521560467

Autor: Edited by Stanley J. Ulijaszek , Francis E. Johnston , Michael A. Preece , Foreword by James Tanner

Wydawca: Cambridge University Press

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 1 064,70 zł

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Edited by Stanley J. Ulijaszek , Francis E. Johnston , Michael A. Preece , Foreword by James Tanner



Rok Wydania:      


Ilość stron:      



276 x 219 mm


Human biology

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Human Growth and Development is a comprehensive but accessible account of the current understanding of the factors affecting human growth and development. Over 120 internationally renowned experts have contributed to the book, covering topics such as fetal and post-natal growth, the relative impact of genetic and environmental factors, behavioural development, growth abnormalities, the human lifespan and the prospects for future generations. Extensively illustrated with photographs, graphs and diagrams, it offers a great breadth of topic coverage, providing insights into the subject for those not familiar with the areas as well as being essential reading for all students and professionals interested in growth and development, child health and nutrition.

Spis treści:
Part I. Measurement and Assessment N. Cameron
Part II. Patterns of Human Growth B. Bogin
Part III. Genetics of Growth S. J. Ulijaszek
Part IV. Fetal Growth I. Hughes
Part V. Postnatal Growth and Maturation R. Malina
Part VI. Behavioural and Cognitive Development P. Parisi
Part VII. Clinical Growth Abnormalities M. Preece
Part VIII. Environmental Factors Influencing Birth Weight L. Schell
Part IX. Ecology of Postnatal Growth F. Johnston
Part X. Between-Population Differences in Human Growth S. Ulijaszek
Part XI. Changing Human Growth Patterns G. Lindgren
Part XII. The Human Lifespan S. Ulijaszek
part of the development process D. Crews, and G. Harper
Part XIII. The Future S. Ulijaszek
Part XIII. The Future S. Ulijaszek.


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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