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Literatura do programów

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MIMO–OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB - ISBN 9780470825617

MIMO–OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB

ISBN 9780470825617

Autor: Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Y. Yang, Chung G. Kang

Wydawca: Wiley

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 612,15 zł

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Yong Soo Cho, Jaekwon Kim, Won Y. Yang, Chung G. Kang



Rok Wydania:      


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MIMO–OFDM is a key technology for next–generation cellular communications (3GPP–LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT–Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB–OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). In MIMO–OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB®, the authors provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of wireless channel modeling, OFDM, and MIMO, using MATLAB® programs to simulate the various techniques on MIMO–OFDM systems.
One of the only books in the area dedicated to explaining simulation aspectsCovers implementation to help cement the key conceptsUses materials that have been classroom–tested in numerous universitiesProvides the analytic solutions and practical examples with downloadable MATLAB® codesSimulation examples based on actual industry and research projectsPresentation slides with key equations and figures for instructor use
MIMO–OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB® is a key text for graduate students in wireless communications. Professionals and technicians in wireless communication fields, graduate students in signal processing, as well as senior undergraduates majoring in wireless communications will find this book a practical introduction to the MIMO–OFDM techniques.
Instructor materials and MATLAB® code examples available for download at

Okładka tylna:
MIMO–OFDM is a key technology for next–generation cellular communications (3GPP–LTE, Mobile WiMAX, IMT–Advanced) as well as wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11a, IEEE 802.11n), wireless PAN (MB–OFDM), and broadcasting (DAB, DVB, DMB). In MIMO–OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB®, the authors provide a comprehensive introduction to the theory and practice of wireless channel modeling, OFDM, and MIMO, using MATLAB® programs to simulate the various techniques on MIMO–OFDM systems.
One of the only books in the area dedicated to explaining simulation aspectsCovers implementation to help cement the key conceptsUses materials that have been classroom–tested in numerous universitiesProvides the analytic solutions and practical examples with downloadable MATLAB® codesSimulation examples based on actual industry and research projectsPresentation slides with key equations and figures for instructor use
MIMO–OFDM Wireless Communications with MATLAB® is a key text for graduate students in wireless communications. Professionals and technicians in wireless communication fields, graduate students in signal processing, as well as senior undergraduates majoring in wireless communications will find this book a practical introduction to the MIMO–OFDM techniques.
Instructor materials and MATLAB® code examples available for download at


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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