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The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation - ISBN 9780470670989

The Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation

ISBN 9780470670989

Autor: Craig E. Carroll

Wydawca: Wiley

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 300,30 zł






Craig E. Carroll



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With the very latest insights from the world of communication studies into the nature of corporate reputation, this new addition to Wiley–Blackwell’s series of handbooks on communication and media reflects the growing importance of large businesses’ public reputations. It fills a number of lacunae in the research literature at the same time as providing updated and revised expressions of classic theories in the field. Renowned international scholars assess a range of aspects of corporate communication theory in a style that is accessible to senior–level students of journalism and marketing. Large businesses and corporations can no longer rely on default goodwill from the public, but must be active promoters of the public good they claim to provide, rather than passive institutions reacting to negative happenstance. This book provides evidence that the benefits of doing so are clear: for corporations, organizational learning and a sense of social responsibility result in tangible investment returns. Academics from various disciplines within the field of communications—journalism, advertising, corporate and organizational communication, media law, history, and public relations—come together to offer a state–of–the–art compendium of all that communication studies has to offer the study of corporate reputation.

About the Editor ix Notes on Contributors x Acknowledgments xxvi 1 Corporate Reputation and the Multi–Disciplinary Field of Communication 1 Craig E. Carroll Section 1 Communication Disciplines of Reputation 11 2 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Public Opinion 13 Cees B.M. van Riel 3 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Interpersonal Communication 20 Sherry J. Holladay 4 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Organizational Communication 30 Robyn Remke 5 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Advertising 40 Nora J. Rifon, Karen Smreker, and Sookyong Kim 6 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Corporate Communication 53 Peggy Simcic Brønn 7 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Public Relations 62 Judy Motion, Sally Davenport, Shirley Leitch, and Liz Merlot 8 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Management Communication 72 James S. O’Rourke 9 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Communication Management 81 Anne Gregory 10 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Integrated Marketing Communications 94 Clarke L. Caywood 11 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Marketing Communication 104 Richard J. Varey 12 Corporate Reputation and the Disciplines of Journalism and Mass Communication 121 Craig E. Carroll 13 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Visual Communication 130 Susan Westcott Alessandri 14 Corporate Reputation and the Discipline of Corporate Communication Law 141 Karla K. Gower Section 2 Theoretical Perspectives 151 15 Agenda–Building and Agenda–Setting Theory: Which Companies We Think About and How We Think About Them 153 Matthew W. Ragas 16 Complexity Theory and the Dynamics of Reputation 166 Priscilla Murphy and Dawn R. Gilpin 17 Communicatively Constituted Reputation and Reputation Management 183 Stefania Romenti and Laura Illia 18 A Strategic Management Approach to Reputation, Relationships, and Publics: The Research Heritage of the Excellence Theory 197 Jeong–Nam Kim, Chun–ju Flora Hung–Baesecke, Sung–Un Yang, and James E. Grunig 19 Image Repair Theory and Corporate Reputation 213 William L. Benoit 20 The Institutionalization of Corporate Reputation 222 John C. Lammers and Kristen Guth 21 Experiencing the Reputational Synergy of Success and Failure through Organizational Learning 235 Timothy L. Sellnow, Shari R. Veil, and Kathryn Anthony 22 Relating Rhetoric and Reputation 249 Øyvind Ihlen 23 Situational Theory of Crisis: Situational Crisis Communication Theory and Corporate Reputation 262 W. Timothy Coombs 24 Corporate Reputation and the Theory of Social Capital 279 Vilma Luoma–aho Section 3 Attributes of Reputation 291 25 Corporate Attributes and Associations 293 Sabine Einwiller 26 What They Say and What They Do: Executives Affect Organizational Reputation through Effective Communication 306 Juan Meng and Bruce K. Berger 27 Corporate Reputation and Workplace Environment 318 Hua Jiang 28 Corporate Reputation and the Practice of Corporate Governance 334 Justin E. Pettigrew and Bryan H. Reber 29 Synthesizing Relationship Dynamics: An Analysis of Products and Services as Components of Corporate Reputation 347 Pan Ji and Paul S. Lieber 30 Corporate Social Responsibility, Reputation, and Moral Communication: A Constructivist View 362 Friederike Schultz 31 Reputation or Financial Performance: Which Comes First? 376 Alexander V. Laskin 32 Who’s in Charge and What’s the Solution? Reputation as a Matter of Issue Debate and Risk Management 388 Robert L. Heath 33 Form Following Function: Message Design for Managing Corporate Reputations 404 Peter M. Smudde and Jeffrey L. Courtright Section 4 Contexts of Reputation 419 34 Contrabrand: Activism and the Leveraging of Corporate Reputation 421 Jarol B. Manheim and Alex D. Holt 35 Identity, Perceived Authenticity, and Reputation: A Dynamic Association in Strategic Communications 435 Juan–Carlos Molleda and Rajul Jain 36 Corporate Branding and Corporate Reputation 446 Esben Karmark 37 Corporate Reputation and Corporate Speech 459 Robert Kerr 38 Corporate Reputation Management and Issues of Diversity 471 Damion Waymer and Sarah VanSlette 39 Corporate Reputation in Emerging Markets: A Culture–Centered Review and Critique 484 Rahul Mitra, Robert J. Green, and Mohan J. Dutta 40 The Power of Social Media and Its Influence on Corporate Reputation 497 Tina McCorkindale and Marcia W. DiStaso 41 The Reputation of Corporate Reputation: Fads, Fashions, and the Mainstreaming of Corporate Reputation Research and Practice 513 Magda Pieczka and Theodore E. Zorn 42 Reputation and Legitimacy: Accreditation and Rankings to Assess Organizations 530 Jennifer L. Bartlett, Josef Pallas, and Magnus Frostenson 43 Hidden Organizations and Reputation 545 Craig R. Scott Section 5 Communication Research and Evaluation 559 44 Corporate Reputation Measurement and Evaluation 561 Don W. Stacks, Melissa D. Dodd, and Linjuan Rita Men 45 Corporate Reputation and Return on Investment (ROI): Measuring the Bottom–Line Impact of Reputation 574 Yungwook Kim and Jungeun Yang 46 The Future of Communication Research in Corporate Reputation Studies 590 Craig E. Carroll Author Index 597 Subject Index 603

Craig E. Carroll is Visiting Scholar in Corporate Communication at New York University’s Stern School of Business and Senior Research Fellow with the Reputation Institute, LLC. He serves on the adjunct faculty at the IE Communication School in Madrid, Spain and USI Università della Svizzera italiana in Lugano, Italy. He is Past Chair of the International Communication Association’s (ICA) Public Relations division.  He is editor of Corporate Reputation and the News Media , and serves on the editorial boards for Corporate Communication , Corporate Reputation Review , Journal of Communication , Journal of Public Relations Research , Public Relations Journal , Public Relations Inquiry , and Public Relations Review . His research on corporate reputation has been presented in over 15 countries.


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