Autor: Diane Bolger
Wydawca: Wiley
Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni
Cena: 1 002,75 zł
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ISBN13: |
9780470655368 |
ISBN10: |
0470655364 |
Autor: |
Diane Bolger |
Oprawa: |
Hardback |
Rok Wydania: |
2012-11-09 |
Ilość stron: |
672 |
Wymiary: |
251x181 |
Tematy: |
HD |
The concept of fundamental, innate differences between males and females is a relatively recent phenomenon, the product of western Enlightenment thinking; yet the uncritical acceptance of sex and gender as natural and unchanging phenomena continues to shape much of the research in prehistoric archaeology today. A Companion to Gender Prehistory aims to correct this view by understanding gender as a complex social category, and charting its variability through time and space. In this wide–ranging overview of the field, organized thematically and geographically, top scholars offer up–to–date and comprehensive coverage of developments in the field over the past 30 years, challenging a number of false assumptions about sex and gender, and demonstrating how top–down thinking can skew interpretations of the past. Thematic chapters (Part I) address current areas of interest and debate in gender prehistory, including the interfaces between gender and human evolution, social complexity, prehistoric material culture, bodies and identities, human imagery, and sexuality. Regional chapters (Part II) offer gendered perspectives on archaeological research in particular areas of Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas, and the South Pacific, and highlight key areas for future research. With its critical wide–ranging approach to prehistoric archaeology examined through the lenses of gender and feminism, this Companion will serve as an authoritative guide to gender prehistory for researchers, instructors, and students in anthropology, archaeology, and gender studies.
List of Illustrations x List of Tables xiii Notes on Contributors xiv Acknowledgments xxii Introduction: Gender Prehistory – The Story So Far 1 Diane Bolger Part I Thematic Perspectives in Gender Prehistory 21 Section 1 Current Themes and Debates 21 1 Engendering Human Evolution 23 Adrienne Zihlman 2 Gender, Complexity, and Power in Prehistory 45 Scott R. Hutson, Bryan K. Hanks, and K. Anne Pyburn 3 Archaeology of Embodied Subjectivities 68 Teresa Dujnic Bulger and Rosemary A. Joyce 4 Queer Prehistory: Bodies, Performativity, and Matter 86 Benjamin Alberti 5 The Future of Gender in Prehistoric Archaeology 108 Margaret W. Conkey Section 2 Gender and Prehistoric Material Culture 121 6 Gender and Prehistoric Rock Art 122 Kelley Hays–Gilpin 7 Gender and Lithic Studies in Prehistoric Archaeology 142 Nyree Finlay 8 Gender, Labor, and Pottery Production in Prehistory 161 Diane Bolger 9 Gender and Textile Production in Prehistory 180 Cathy Lynne Costin Section 3 Gendered Bodies and Identities in Prehistory 203 10 Personhood in Prehistory: A Feminist Archaeology in Ten Persons 204 Yvonne Marshall 11 Bioarchaeological Approaches to the Gendered Body 226 Joanna Sofaer 12 Figurines, Corporeality, and the Origins of the Gendered Body 244 Douglass W. Bailey 13 Goddesses in Prehistory 265 Lucy Goodison and Christine Morris Part II Regional Perspectives in Gender Prehistory 289 Section 4 Gender Prehistory in Africa and Asia 289 14 Gender in North African Prehistory 291 Barbara E. Barich 15 Gender in the Prehistory of Sub–Saharan Africa 313 Lyn Wadley 16 Gender and Archaeology in Coastal East Asia 333 Sarah Milledge Nelson 17 Gender Archaeology in East Asia and Eurasia 351 Katheryn M. Linduff and Karen S. Rubinson 18 Gender in Southwest Asian Prehistory 372 Diane Bolger and Rita P. Wright Section 5 Gender in European Prehistory 395 19 The History of Gender Archaeology in Northern Europe 396 Marie Louise Stig Sørensen 20 Gender in Eastern European Prehistory 413 John Chapman and Nona Palincaº 21 Gender and Feminism in the Prehistoric Archaeology of Southwest Europe 438 Margarita Díaz–Andreu and Sandra Montón–Subías 22 Gender in British Prehistory 458 Benjamin Edwards and Rachel Pope 23 Gender in Central Mediterranean Prehistory 480 Ruth Whitehouse 24 Gender in Greek and Aegean Prehistory 502 Louise Hitchcock and Marianna Nikolaidou Section 6 Gender Prehistory in the Americas and the South Pacific 526 25 Gender in the Prehistory of the Eastern United States 527 Cheryl Claassen 26 The Archaeology of Gender in Western North America 544 Alice Beck Kehoe 27 The Archaeology of Gender in Mesoamerica: Moving Beyond Gender Complementarity 564 Elizabeth M. Brumfiel 28 Gender in South American Prehistory 585 Melissa A. Vogel and Robyn E. Cutright 29 Gender and Archaeology in Australia, Papua New Guinea, and the South Pacific 608 Cherrie De Leiuen Index 628
Diane Bolger is a Research Fellow in Archaeology at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. In addition to her research on gender, she specializes in the ceramics of early agricultural societies in the ancient Near East, particularly in Cyprus, where she has been involved in fieldwork since the early 1980s. Her major publications on gender include three books: Gender in Ancient Cyprus (2003), Engendering Aphrodite: Women and Society in Ancient Cyprus (2002), and Gender through Time in the Ancient Near East (2008).
“Part 2′s strength is its global breadth, with most contributors offering a synthesized and regionally bounded historiography of gender studies. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper–division undergraduates and above.” ( Choice, 1 July 2013)
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