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Literatura do programów

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Patient Derived Tumor Xenograft Models: Promise, Potential and Practice - ISBN 9780128040102

Patient Derived Tumor Xenograft Models: Promise, Potential and Practice

ISBN 9780128040102

Autor: Uthamanthil, Rajesh K.Tinkey, Peggyde Stanchina, Elisa

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 594,30 zł

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Uthamanthil, Rajesh K.Tinkey, Peggyde Stanchina, Elisa



Rok Wydania:      




Patient Derived Tumor Xenograft Models: Promise, Potential and Practice offers guidance on how to conduct PDX modeling and trials, including how to know when these models are appropriate for use, and how the data should be interpreted through the selection of immunodeficient strains.

In addition, proper methodologies suitable for growing different type of tumors, acquisition of pathology, genomic and other data about the tumor, potential pitfalls, and confounding background pathologies that occur in these models are also included, as is a discussion of the facilities and infrastructure required to operate a PDX laboratory.

Offers guidance on data interpretation and regulatory aspectsProvides useful techniques and strategies for working with PDX modelsIncludes practical tools and potential pitfalls for best practicesCompiles all knowledge of PDX models research in one resourcePresents the results of first ever global survey on standards of PDX development and usage in academia and industry

Section I. Mouse Xenograft Models of Cancer

Chapter 1. PDX Models: History and Development

Chapter 2. History of Mouse Cancer Models

Chapter 3. Challenges and Limitations of Mouse Xenograft Models of Cancer

Chapter 4. Tumor Heterogeneity

Chapter 5. Immunodeficient Mice: The Backbone of Patient-Derived Tumor Xenograft Models

Chapter 6. Humanized Mice and PDX Models

Section II. Components of a PDX Program

Chapter 1. Regulations of Patient-Derived Xenografts

Chapter 2. Acquisition and Storage of Clinical Samples to Establish PDX Models

Chapter 3. Methodologies for Developing and Maintaining Patient-Derived Xenograft Mouse Models

Chapter 4. Pathology of Patient-Derived Xenograft Tumors

Chapter 5. Genetic Profiling of Tumors in PDX Models

Chapter 6. Running a PDX Core Laboratory or a PDX Support Program

Chapter 7. Veterinary Care

Chapter 8. Occupational Health and Safety

Section III. PDX Models for Tumors of Various Organ Systems

Chapter 1. Pediatric and Adult Brain Tumor PDX Models

Chapter 2. Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Prostate Tumors

Chapter 3. Patient-Derived Xenograft Model of Pancreatic Cancer

Chapter 4. Modeling Breast Cancer Heterogeneity With Patient-Derived Xenografts

Chapter 5. Patient-Derived Xenograft Models of Ovarian/Gynecologic Tumors

Chapter 6. Patient-Derived Xenografts From Lung Cancer and Their Potential Applications

Chapter 7. PDX Models of Colorectal Tumors

Chapter 8. Patient-Derived Tumor Xenografts in Hematologic Disorders

Chapter 9. Patient-Derived Xenografting of Human Melanoma

Chapter 10. Advances in Organoid Culturing of Patient-Derived Tumors

Section IV. PDX Models in Cancer Research and Therapy Around the World

Chapter 1. Global Practices in PDX Programs

Chapter 2. Role of Companies and Corporations in the Development and Utilization of PDX Models

Section V. Challenges & Future of PDX Models

Chapter 1. Patient-Derived Tumor Xenograft: Present and Future Challenges and Applications


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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