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Reflection Seismology: Theory, Data Processing and Interpretation - ISBN 9780124095380

Reflection Seismology: Theory, Data Processing and Interpretation

ISBN 9780124095380

Autor: Wencai, Yang

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 521,85 zł

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Wencai, Yang



Rok Wydania:      




Authored by a geophysicist with more than 50 years of experience in research and instruction, Reflection Seismology: Theory, Data Processing and Interpretation provides a single source of foundational knowledge in reflection seismology principles and theory. Reflection seismology has a broad range of applications and is used primarily by the oil and gas industry to provide high-resolution maps and build a coherent geological story from maps of processed seismic reflections. Combined with seismic attribute analysis and other exploration geophysics tools, it aids geologists and geo-engineers in creating geological models of areas of exploration and extraction interest. Yet as important as reflection seismology is to the hydrocarbon industry, it’s difficult to find a single source that synthesizes the topic without having to wade through numerous journal articles from a range of different publishers. This book is a one-stop source of reflection seismology theory, helping scientists navigates through the wealth of new data processing techniques that have emerged in recent years.

Provides geoscientists and geo-engineers with a theoretical framework for navigating the rapid emergence of new data processing techniquesPresents a single source of reflection seismology content instead of a scattering of disparate journal articlesFeatures more than 100 figures, illustrations, and working examples to aid the reader in retaining key conceptsArms geophysicists and geo-engineers with a solid foundation in seismic wave equation analysis and interpretation

1. Introduction to the wave theory
2. Elastic waves in full-elastic solid
3. From elastic waves to seismic waves
4. Wave equations along seismic data processing
5. Integral solutions of wave equations and Green’s functions
6. Analysis and continuation of reflection seismic waves
7. Methods for solving inverse problems in reflection seismology


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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