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Boormans Pathology of the Rat: Reference and Atlas - ISBN 9780123914484

Boormans Pathology of the Rat: Reference and Atlas

ISBN 9780123914484

Autor: Boorman, Gary A.Suttie, Andrew W.Eustis, Scot L.Elwell, Michael R.MacKenzie, William F.Leininger,

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 1 186,50 zł

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Boorman, Gary A.Suttie, Andrew W.Eustis, Scot L.Elwell, Michael R.MacKenzie, William F.Leininger,



Rok Wydania:      




Boorman’s Pathology of the Rat: Reference and Atlas, Second Edition, continues its history as the most comprehensive pathology reference on rat strains for researchers across science and medicine using rat models in the laboratory. It offers readers an added emphasis on the Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rat strains that is consistent with current research across academia, government, and industry.

In addition, the book provides standard diagnostic criteria, basic content on histology, histological changes that result from drug toxicity and neoplasm, pathology terminology, and four-color photographs from the NTP archive and database. With updated references and photographs, as well as coverage of all rat strains, this book is not only the standard in the field, but also an invaluable resource for toxicologists, biologists, and other scientists engaged in regulatory toxicology who must make the transition from pathology results to the promulgation of meaningful regulations.

Contains full, four color photographs from the NTP archive and database and coverage of all rat strainsProvides an organ-by-organ and system-by-system approach that presents standard diagnostic criteria and basic content on histology and histological changesIncludes comprehensive and detailed background incidence data Presents detailed descriptive content regarding changes in rat models during research

Section I: Digestive System
Section II: Liver and Exocrine Pancreas
Section III: Urinary Tract
Section IV: Nervous System and Special Sense Organs
Section V: Musculoskeletal System
Section VI: Integumentary System
Section VII: Mammary Gland
Section VIII: Respiratory Tract
Section IX: Immune System
Section X: Bone Marrow
Section XI: Female Reproductive Tract
Section XII: Male Reproductive System
Section XIII: Circulatory System
Section IIV: Endocrine System
Section IX: Historical Data


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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