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Fault-Zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture Dynamics - ISBN 9780123744524

Fault-Zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture Dynamics

ISBN 9780123744524

Autor: Fukuyama, Eiichi

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 406,35 zł

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Fukuyama, Eiichi



Rok Wydania:      




The dynamics of the earthquake rupture process are closely related to fault zone properties which the authors have intensively investigated by various observations in the field as well as by laboratory experiments. These include geological investigation of the active and fossil faults, physical and chemical features obtained by the laboratory experiments, as well as the seismological estimation from seismic waveforms. Earthquake dynamic rupture can now be modeled using numerical simulations on the basis of field and laboratory observations, which should be very useful for understanding earthquake rupture dynamics.

* First overview of new and improved techniques in the study of earthquake faulting
* Broad coverage
* Full color

* A must-have for all geophysicists who work on earthquake dynamics
* Single resource for all aspects of earthquake dynamics (from lab measurements to seismological observations to numerical modelling)
* Bridges the disciplines of seismology, structural geology and rock mechanics
* Helps readers to understand and interpret graphs and maps

Also has potential use as a supplementary resource for upper division and graduate geophysics courses.

"Fault-zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture Dynamics"

Table of contents:
Chapter 1. "Introduction for the Fault-zone Properties and Earthquake Rupture Dynamics" by E. Fukuyama

Chapter 2. " Geometry and Slip Distribution of Co-seismic Surface Ruptures Produced by the 2001 Mw 7.8 Earthquake along the Strike-slip Kunlun Fault, Northern Tibet", by A. Lin

Chapter 3. "Aseismic-seismic Transition and Fluid Regime along Subduction Plate Boundaries and a Fossil Example from the Northern Apennines of Italy" by P. Vannucchi, F. Remitti, J. Phipps-Morgan, and G. Bettelli

Chapter 4. " Fault Zone Structure and Deformation Processes along an Exhumed Low-angle Normal Fault: Implications for Seismic Behaviour" by C. Collettini, R.E. Holdsworth and S.A.F. Smith

Chapter 5. "Pseudotachylytes and Earthquake Source Mechanics" by G. Di Toro. G. Pennacchioni and S. Nielsen

Chapter 6. "The Critical Slip Distance for Seismic and Aseismic Fault Zones of Finite Width" by C. Marone, M. Cocco, E. Richardson and E. Tinti

Chapter 7. "Scaling of Slip Weakening Distance with Final Slip during Dynamic Earthquake Rupture" by M. Cocco, E. Tinti, C. Marone and A. Piatanesi

Chapter 8. " Rupture Dynamics on Bi-material fault and Non-linear Off-fault Damages" by T. Yamashita

Chapter 9. "Boundary Integral Equation Method for Earthquake Rupture Dynamics" by T. Tada

Chapter 10. "Dynamic Rupture Propagation of the 1995 Kobe, Japan, Earthquake" by E. Fukuyama


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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