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Literatura do programów

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Thin Film Growth: Physics, Materials Science and Applications - ISBN 9780081017227

Thin Film Growth: Physics, Materials Science and Applications

ISBN 9780081017227

Autor: Cao, Zexian

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 983,85 zł

Przed złożeniem zamówienia prosimy o kontakt mailowy celem potwierdzenia ceny.






Cao, Zexian



Rok Wydania:      




Thin film technology is used in many applications such as microelectronics, optics, hard and corrosion resistant coatings and micromechanics, and thin films form a uniquely versatile material base for the development of novel technologies within these industries. Thin film growth provides an important and up-to-date review of the theory and deposition techniques used in the formation of thin films.

Part one focuses on the theory of thin film growth, with chapters covering nucleation and growth processes in thin films, phase-field modelling of thin film growth and surface roughness evolution. Part two covers some of the techniques used for thin film growth, including oblique angle deposition, reactive magnetron sputtering and epitaxial growth of graphene films on single crystal metal surfaces. This section also includes chapters on the properties of thin films, covering topics such as substrate plasticity and buckling of thin films, polarity control, nanostructure growth dynamics and network behaviour in thin films.

With its distinguished editor and international team of contributors, Thin film growth is an essential reference for engineers in electronics, energy materials and mechanical engineering, as well as those with an academic research interest in the topic.

Provides an important and up-to-date review of the theory and deposition techniques used in the formation of thin filmsFocusses on the theory and modelling of thin film growth, techniques and mechanisms used for thin film growth and properties of thin filmsAn essential reference for engineers in electronics, energy materials and mechanical engineering


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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