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Biogranulation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Microbial Granules - ISBN 9780080450223

Biogranulation Technologies for Wastewater Treatment: Microbial Granules

ISBN 9780080450223

Autor: Tay, Joo-HwaTay, Stephen Tiong-LeeLiu, YuShow, Kuan YeowIvanov, Volodymyr

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 983,85 zł

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Tay, Joo-HwaTay, Stephen Tiong-LeeLiu, YuShow, Kuan YeowIvanov, Volodymyr



Rok Wydania:      




Microbial granules have practical importance in anaerobic and aerobic biological wastewater treatment. Advantages of granules are retention of biomass in reactor, diversity of microorganisms, complex structure, and resistance to unfavorable conditions. Microbial granules can be used to treat municipal and industrial wastewater for removal of organic matter, xenobiotics, nutrients, and heavy metals.

The book covers almost all aspects of formation and use of microbial granules in wastewater treatment. The data on aerobic microbial granulation are related mostly to laboratory systems due to few pilot systems in the world using aerobic microbial granules. However, by the analogy with anaerobic granulation, which is now used worldwide, it is possible to predict wide applications of aerobic granulation. This book will help researchers and engineers develop these new biotechnologies of wastewater treatment based on aerobic granulation.

Covers all aspects of formation, organization, and use of microbial granules in wastewater treatmentIntegrates engineering, microbiology, and biotechnology of microbial granulesComprises of deep fundamental data as well as practical information for applications of microbial granules in wastewater treatment

1. Mechanisms and model for anaerobic granulation
2. Factors affecting anaerobic granulation
3. Applications in anaerobic granulation
4. Mechanisms of aerobic granulation
5. Factors affecting aerobic granulation
6. Structure of aerobic granules
7. Microorganisms of aerobic granules
8. Nutrient removal by aerobic granules
9. Phenol removal by aerobic granules
10. Seeds for aerobic granulation
11. Biosorption properties of aerobic granules
Conclusions: Current state and directions of research


Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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