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Dilute Nitride Semiconductors - ISBN 9780080445021

Dilute Nitride Semiconductors

ISBN 9780080445021

Autor: Henini, Mohamed

Wydawca: Elsevier

Dostępność: 3-6 tygodni

Cena: 1 224,30 zł

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Henini, Mohamed



Rok Wydania:      




This book contains full account of the advances made in the dilute nitrides, providing an excellent starting point for workers entering the field.It gives the reader easier access and better evaluation of future trends, Conveying important results and current ideas.Includes a generous list of references at the end of each chapter, providing a useful reference to the III-V-N based semiconductors research community.

The high speed lasers operating at wavelength of 1.3 µm and 1.55 µm are very important light sources in optical communications since the optical fiber used as a transport media of light has dispersion and attenuation minima, respectively, at these wavelengths. These long wavelengths are exclusively made of InP-based material InGaAsP/InP. However, there are several problems with this material system. Therefore, there has been considerable effort for many years to fabricate long wavelength laser structures on other substrates, especially GaAs. The manufacturing costs of GaAs-based components are lower and the processing techniques are well developed. In 1996 a novel quaternary material GaInAsN was proposed which could avoid several problems with the existing technology of long wavelength lasers.

In this book, several leaders in the field of dilute nitrides will cover the growth and processing, experimental characterization, theoretical understanding, and device design and fabrication of this recently developed class of semiconductor alloys. They will review their current status of research and development.

Dilute Nitrides (III-N-V) Semiconductors: Physics and Technology organises the most current available data, providing a ready source of information on a wide range of topics, making this book essential reading for all post graduate students, researchers and practitioners in the fields of Semiconductors and Optoelectronics

Contains full account of the advances made in the dilute nitrides, providing an excellent starting point for workers entering the fieldGives the reader easier access and better evaluation of future trends, conveying important results and current ideasIncludes a generous list of references at the end of each chapter, providing a useful reference to the III-V-N based semiconductors research community


Chapter 1: MBE Growth and Characterization of Long Wavelength Dilute Nitride Nitride III–V Alloys

Chapter 2: Epitaxial Growth of Dilute Nitrides by Metal-Organic Vapour Phase Epitaxy

Chapter 3: The Chemical Beam Epitaxy of Dilute Nitride Alloy Semiconductors

Chapter 4: MOMBE Growth and Characterization of Nitride III–V-N Compounds and Application to InAs Quantum Dots

Chapter 5: Recent Progress in Dilute Nitride Quantum Dots

Chapter 6: Physics of Isoelectronic Dopants in GaAs

Chapter 7: Measurement of Carrier Localization Degree, Electron Effective Mass, and Excition Size in InxGa1−xAs1−yNy Alloys

Chapter 8: Probing the “Unusual” Band Structure of Dilute Ga(AsN) Quantum Wells by Magneto-Tunnelling Spectroscopy and Other Techniques

Chapter 9: Photo- and Electro-reflectance of III–V-N Compounds and Low Dimensional Structures

Chapter 10: Band Anticrossing and Related Electronic Structure in III-N-V Alloys

Chapter 11: A Tight-Binding Based Analysis of the Band Anti-Crossing Model and Its Application in Ga(In)NAs Alloys

Chapter 12: Electronic Structure Evolution of Dilute III–V Nitride Alloys

Chapter 13: Theory of Nitrogen-Hydrogen Complexes in N-Containing  III–V Alloys

Chapter 14: Dislocation-free  III–V-N Alloy Layers on Si Substrates and Their Device Applications

Chapter 15: GaNAsSb Alloy and its Potential for Device Applications

Chapter 16: A Comparative Look at 1.3 μm InGaAsN-based VCSELs for Fiber-optical Communication Systems

Chapter 17: Long-wavelength Dilute Nitride—Antimonide Lasers

Chapter 18: Application of Dilute Nitride Materials to Heterojunction Bipolar Transistors



Książek w koszyku: 0 szt.

Wartość zakupów: 0,00 zł



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